
The Blogger

Tim is a disciple of Jesus, husband to a beautiful wife and father to three rambunctious boys. Tim and his family have ministered to many, nationally and internationally, spanning from California to West Virginia, up to Alaska, Africa and Mexico. Currently, they reside in Tennessee. As a family, God has called them to see the unseen, serve those who serve and love those unloved.

The Blog

The name of the blog is derived from a summary of the book of Ecclesiastes. King Solomon continuously made the claim that life is vanity, full of meaningless toil. In all his seeking and all his wisdom, he found one good thing in life, “it is good for people to eat, drink and enjoy their work under the sun during the short life God has given them.” And after all was said and done, he summed all the years of life into one sentence, “here now is my conclusion: fear God and obey His commands, for this is the duty of all man,”

Tim believes that all Christian’s should live their lives in a fearful awe before God. That by walking in the fear of the Lord (which was Jesus’ delight) the Christian’s feet will not stray from the path of life, allowing them to abide in the presence of God. And in His presence, there is fullness of joy! Christians should be the most joy filled people in the world, enjoying each moment of life as the gift it is.


Tim and his family have been involved in many different areas of ministry. From feeding the homeless on Skid Row, discipling those in addiction in Alaska, sharing the gospel to Muslim villages in Africa, bringing hope to woman trapped in cartel-run, red light districts in Mexico, and going door-to-door offering food and prayer to impoverished, rural areas of West Virginia during the pandemic. Currently, they are serving children and teens in and out of the foster system in Tennessee.

The Dream

God has given Tim and his family a vision, a dream for what the future holds. This dream starts with a multi-hundred-acre farm. The goal for the farm is to be a self-sustained ministry hub, a launching pad for both local and foreign ministries. The farm will be a refuge for those without homes, those in active addiction, those in need of a safe environment and anyone else God leads that way. A place where missionaries can meet, plan, and prepare. A place where like-minded Christians can take root and bring in as many kids from the foster care system as possible. The potential for such a farm is endless and can only be brought to completion by the hand of God.